If your citizenship is from a country that is characterized by more development (economically speaking), and stable democratic institutions, then you may not need to apply for temporary entry prior to attempting to enter Canada. Such countries include the United States, most Western European countries, Australia and New Zealand.

Such countries are characterized by economies with diverse activities in which people are employed and whose earnings are paid in currencies that are relatively high in value.  As such, there is not much concern that a person may visit Canada and fail to comply with Canada’s immigration laws.  In other words, why would a person who lives legally work  in a developed country, need to ‘go underground’ after entering Canada as a visitor?

If you are not fortunate enough to have citizenship from one of the aforementioned countries, then you would have to apply for a visitor visa at a Canadian visa office, preferably, the visa office that services your country of citizenship.

  • Be prepared to show:
  • ties to your home country,
  • sufficient funds for your visit,
  • the length of your proposed visit
  • the purpose of your visit to Canada.

The failure to address such concerns may lead to a refusal of a visit visa.  A record of a refusal of a visa to Canada would negatively affect any future attempt at trying to enter Canada.

Do not hire an unlicensed person to assist you with a visitor visa application.  Either file the visitor visa application yourself ….WARNING: do so only if you fully understand the requirements in terms of documents and the answers to questions on the visitor visa form.  Best, if you contact a competent lawyer such as the one at Chaudhary Law Office before filing a visitor visa application.

The Immigration Webinar You Can't Miss on Thursday, October 17 2024 at 1800-1900 (i.e. 6:00 – 7:00pm EDT)

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