Express Entry is characterized by ease of processing (for the immigration department), and as little accountability to the public as possible.  One way accountability is reduced is by the fact that an Express Entry profile is not an application, but rather, data about a person seeking to immigrate to Canada.  The fact that the Express Entry profile is not an application relieves the immigration department of the requirement to select your application or provide no reasons for why the point threshold fluctuates.
 With the above background in mind, you may not need a licenced representative like a lawyer or consultant if, for example, your Express Entry profile consists of work experience has been acquired from a reputable company, preferably a fortune 500 company, and is documented in sufficient detail.  Also, you may not need such professional  help if:
  1. your citizenship is such that you don’t need a visitor visa to Canada;
  2. you or your family have no criminal or medical issues;
  3. you or your family have had no difficulties with obtaining visas to any country in the past.
In the above circumstances, it may not be necessary to hire a licenced representative.

The Immigration Webinar You Can't Miss on Thursday, February 20 2025 at 1800-1900 (i.e. 6:00 – 7:00 pm EST)

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