Inadmissibility and Detention

Human or International Rights Violations

Human or International Rights Violations

Human or International Rights Violations

Canada has a global reputation for protecting Human Rights and safeguarding against the violation of International rights. Individuals who are found to have contravened International or Human rights may be rendered inadmissible to Canada under s. 35(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.

A finding under s. 35(1) can render the relevant individual inadmissible to Canada. As the consequences with respect to a finding of inadmissibility pursuant to Human or International Rights Violations are very serious, it is important that the concerned person understands their rights and what is at stake.

If you or a loved one is concerned that you may be inadmissible to Canada due to Human or International Rights Violations, contact Chaudhary Immigration Law Professional Corporation for relevant legal advice and to learn more about your options going forward.

For legal consultation within the realm of Immigration and Refugee law, contact Chaudhary Immigration Law Professional Corporation at: 416-447-6118.

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